Why MiniCamp
MiniCamp is our speciality!
Celebrating over 20 Years of Excellence & Growth!
Who We Are
MiniCamp is a Character Building program for ages 4-14yrs
Our Mission
Inspiring Children For Life
Our Vision
Our ultimate goal is for our children to thrive, to realize their full potential, to be instilled with confidence, to be their best self and to inspire others with their leadership, their creativity, and their aspirations for success.
MiniCamp… a name you can trust!
Since 2001, families have been entrusting us with their children, from one generation to the next. This has led to the MiniCamp we are today - Lebanon’s most inspirational camp!
Camp is our specialty!
We are absolutely committed in providing the best holiday experience for our community (MiniCampers, GiantCampers & Families).
Each year, we welcome over 300 children from more than 25 countries around the world.
Our priority is clear… We always put our MiniCampers first & because of this, we are dedicated to make SAFETY our top Priority!
Our Core Values
Why We Do It
Simple answer… Our love for children is immeasurable. Their smile is our passion!
As we grow older, we come to realize that our childhood memories live with us eternally.
All children deserve a place that is filled with love, security, laughter, friendship, experiences, opportunities and adventure.
Our Fun world of MiniCamp is that place where happy moments never fade.
What We Do

We strongly believe that a brilliant camp should be seen as a fundamental part of a well-rounded education. By implementing our Life Learning Elements, we support our campers during holiday breaks (Summer, Winter, Easter or Short Breaks) creating life changing experiences that have a measurable impact on their lives.
In our dreamy joyful world of MiniCamp, possibilities are truly endless!
Our ultimate goal is for children to thrive… to become well rounded leaders of tomorrow!
The big question is… How do we make our campers thrive at MiniCamp?
Following our educational weekly themes, we are able to achieve our life learning elements.
How We Do It
Through our Educational Weekly Theme
With a wide range of challenging, skill-based activities and through our Educational Weekly Themes, we keep all MiniCampers active and happy throughout their stay.
Our committed and creative team works all year round, always looking for new ways to develop our unique, rich and unbeatable program.
We strive to make our experiences as impactful as possible and we continuously improve every aspect of our adventures.